Hi, I’m Sherry,
Like many natural health proponents, I came to herbalism, holistic nutrition, essential oils, and practical homeopathy through a health condition that modern medicine couldn’t fix. While researching I found a staggering amount of scientific evidence that was hidden by the sick-care system. Continuing down the path of researching recurrent SIBO led me to my Certified Nutritional Professional through NANP. My professor, KP Khalsa, led to becoming a Registered Herbalist through the American Herbalist Guild. That in turn piqued my curiosity surrounding making herbals, which I then got a certification at the Herbal Medics Apothecarist program. Herbal Medics has a Wilderness First Aid course that I just completed. God seems to have brought me full circle back to my love for first aid. In college I was an EMT and Athletic Trainer. That journey gave me a more complete view of medicine and expanded the boundaries of my medical toolbox. The healing plants that God has made available to every nation, in every corner of the world is so massive that I could spend an eternity discovering them. Though I love discovering new plants, my focus has been on extracting, preparing, and using them in practical ways and teaching others to do likewise. Whether sprinkled in food, made into tincture, homeopathic preparations, teas, or essential oil sticks, if it’s not usable it will stay a thought not a medicine. Inkling to Application takes everyday people though the process of creating usable herbal preparations.
That is not to say that I have been able to fully focus on my herbal passion. Homeschooling, facilitating teen activities, moving across the country to live on an off-grid farmstead (which I lovingly call the Accidental Farmstead) has naturally taken much of my time and energy….and so it should. I wouldn’t want it any other way. I thank God for my awesomely full and mostly crazy life. LOL! As I sit here wondering when we will have enough energy to get the next shower, I am seriously amazed and thankful at how much God has done for us. We had no idea how much we took for granted. So many blessings and lessons that I want to share with you. Join me on a journey of wonder and excitement…definitely never a dull moment.